West Africa Hub:
Plateforme industrielle de Diamniadio
Bâtiment Administratif 5eme étage
East and Central Africa Hub:
Kigali – Rwanda
Kigali Business Center (KBC)
Kacyru, Kigali
Info – derrick.denecker@ecosystemcapital.africa
Derrick de Necker – +27606568137
Corporate Social Investment (CSI) is defined in the world of business as the concept whereby companies act to balance their own economic growth with the sustainable social and environmental development of the country.
It is the belief of the writer that CSI should be more than a definition. CSI should not only be the conscience of the company and its people but rather the extension of the values and worth of its’ staff members, captured in programs that change peoples lives.
Although CSI efforts are admirable, it often turns out to be meaningless to both the giver and the receiver and therefor not sustainable. Passionate people, and a focused and systematic approach is needed so that the constant and different requirements of the various programs are delivered with such quality and range that participants will discover themselves and their potential through their participation.
Fanerooo Foundation understands that all CSI projects should be part of the vision to change the world through changing people’s lives.
Fanerooo Foundation was founded on the belief that people are good and have a desire to bring good to the world. There are no shortage of people with a vision to change the world, only of people with a lack of time and knowledge to do so.
Fanerooo Foundation spesializes in the management of CSI projects for companies, organisations or individuals with a vision and passion to change people’s lives.
By invigorating passion, discovering purpose and taking care of and investing in partnerships, Fanerooo aims at leaving a “footprint” in the lives of people and communities involved.
Fanerooo is a culmination and incorporation of related meanings, therefor a kaleidoscope of interpretation. It incorporates the word ‘fanos’, which means ‘lamp’ or ‘lantern’, as well as the word ‘fainoo’ which means ‘shine’. The word ‘faneros’ also forms part of the core and implies to be ‘widely known’ or ‘clearly seen’. The Greek word ‘faneroosis’ which mean ‘revelation’ also forms part of the core meaning.
The word ‘fanerooo’ thus tells the following story: Truth has to become visible and clearly seen and be made publicly and widely known as a Godly revelation, a light in the darkness.
Fanerooo aims at leaving a “footprint” in the lives of people and communities by supporting and initiating social upliftment projects, programs and support structures that touch upon a diverse array of activities. The ambition of such upliftment projects and programs is inter-alia, to ensure that the targeted communities/people/audience derive the maximum benefits while empowering them to enhance their relative skills, level of education and training for an increased overall impact on their general standard of living. The objectives of the Foundation, as defined in the Charter, are to:
Within every project there are various needs to be addressed to fulfill the objectives defined by the Council at the start of the project.
Fanerooo Foundation is responsible for the management of the identified projects as well as the design and implemention of the programs within every project. Each project has a Project Team that consists of volunteers, employees as well as consultants for specialized services.
Each project requires a unique approach to address the needs of the community involved and not necessarily the solution as perceived by bystanders. Every project takes into consideration the passion of people involved as well as the needs of community.
Life coaching, as part of the holistic development of participants, forms an integral part of all programs.
It was always thought that Africa is a continent of need, however it is us that needs Africa more; as in this understanding lies the purpose of God for Africa and only then does His grace become a reality causing Africa to come alive and serve and ignite the world in ways never seen before.
The Sportco Youth Academies is a multi-facetted, internationally focussed development initiative that prides itself on unleashing the true potential within our children.
The vision is to facilitate youth development through sport. At the same time develop sports facilities that will become the preferred choice to host local, regional and international events. Sportco through various individual and vocational academies and corporate partnerships will further enhance our offering globally.
The cornerstone of athletic achievement is long-term athlete development (LTAD) with the building blocks of a systematic, holistic and scientific approach. Knowing that science is merely a brick to build with, we believe the foundation is to develop a complete person where personal awareness and growth is the foundation to any great athlete.
In an effort to enlarge the pool of talent and develop potential future stars and coaches, a strategy is proposed that takes the form of three tiers:
Objectives of Strategy:
Sports development we believe can only truly be achieved if the communities which they grow up in are too, a healthy breeding ground for values, respect for each other and an appreciation for the world we have been given to live in.
We aim to also develop the communities, children, parents and grandparents with sport and fan based associated initiatives in the areas we operate within. Most importantly to note is that people are our focus and not only promising athletes.